Helping medical research centers by

Creating a Custom PRM

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We built a custom PRM platform that allows health centers to create complex medical pre-screening forms which can be easily accessed.
Medical centers have access to the patient profile database, which allows for booking appointments, tracking patient symptoms, communication (via email or MSM), and platform-related remote staff activities, among other things.
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*This is where efficiency plays an important role.

We built a communication channel for staff to reach patients via email and SMS text.

Efficient communication channels with email and SMS appointments can be managed by staff within a single threat that keeps centralized records. Staff can easily categorize conversations, reducing the time spent reaching patients.
Patient profiles, including medical history, conditions, previous treatments, and programs, can be easily accessed before scheduling an appointment.
Medical centers have access to the patient profile database, which allows for booking appointments, tracking patient symptoms, communication (via email or MSM), and platform-related remote staff activities, among other things. A patient's profile includes their medical history, current condition, and previous treatments. Physicians can dynamically modify the structure of a medical record database to fit the desired format. This powerful database management system provides a comprehensive overview of the patient and improves patient care and experience.
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