Beyond One-Size-Fits-All:

Tailored to Fit PRM

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Scenario and Problems Tackled.

Managing partner relationships often involves navigating a labyrinth of challenges. Dispersed communication channels lead to misinterpretations and delays, while scattered resources create confusion and hamper productivity. Gauging individual partner contributions and overall performance becomes a guessing game without comprehensive visibility. Equipping partners with the right tools and knowledge proves cumbersome, hindering sales enablement efforts. Furthermore, maintaining a consistent brand image across a diverse partner network becomes an uphill battle, leading to diluted messaging and potential misrepresentation. These inefficiencies and obstacles create friction in the partner ecosystem, hindering collaboration and ultimately impacting revenue growth.


A PRM, or Partner Relationship Management software, is a centralized platform that enables businesses to effectively manage their relationships with channel partners, such as resellers, distributors, affiliates, and agents. It acts as a hub for collaboration, communication, and resource sharing, streamlining partner onboarding, training, sales enablement, and performance tracking.
A pipeline view with draggable cards and customizable columns offers users a dynamic and visually intuitive way to manage their workflows and track progress on various tasks or projects. It empowers users to:

Visualize Workflows.

The pipeline view provides a clear and organized overview of the entire process, allowing users to see the status of each task or project at a glance.

Track Progress.

By dragging and dropping cards across columns, users can easily update the status of their tasks, providing real-time visibility into progress and potential bottlenecks.

Prioritize and Organize.

Users can customize column names and rearrange cards within columns to reflect their specific workflow and priorities. This flexibility allows for greater personalization and adaptability to different project management styles.

Collaborate Effectively.

The pipeline view facilitates collaboration by providing a shared visual representation of the workflow, allowing team members to stay aligned on tasks and deadlines.
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Integrating email and SMS communication directly within the application, accessible from the pipeline or patient's profile page, offers immense value for users, primarily by streamlining communication and fostering efficient engagement.

Centralized Communication Hub.

No need to switch between multiple applications or platforms. All communication history, including form submissions, email threads, and SMS exchanges, is consolidated within a single interface, providing a comprehensive overview of each patient or lead's journey.

Contextualized Communication.

Initiate conversations directly from the pipeline or profile page, ensuring messages are relevant and personalized. This eliminates the need to search for contact information or recall previous interactions, saving time and enhancing the user experience.
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Key Feature: Flexible Data Control.

The ability to input, change, and manage patient data within the software offers users unparalleled flexibility and control over their data collection and organization processes. By enabling the creation of custom data records and establishing relationships between them, users can tailor the system to their specific needs, ensuring that relevant and crucial information is captured in a structured and easily accessible manner. This level of customization empowers users to:

Capture Specific Data Points.

Go beyond generic form fields and create data fields that precisely match the unique requirements of their research or clinical trials.

Establish Data Relationships.

Connect related data points, such as allergies and specific medications, to create a more comprehensive and meaningful dataset. This enhances analysis and facilitates the identification of patterns or correlations.

Track Patient Progress.

Monitor changes in patient data over time, providing valuable insights into treatment effectiveness, potential adverse events, or other relevant observations.  

Facilitate Data Analysis.

Export structured and well-organized data for further analysis using external tools or statistical software, enabling evidence-based decision-making.
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Key Feature: Campaign Management.

The ability to manage patient recruitment campaigns within the software offers significant advantages for medical research centers. By organizing domain names into research organizations and structuring campaigns with clear patient origins, researchers gain enhanced visibility, control, and efficiency in their recruitment efforts.

Enhanced Organization and Visibility.

The ability to group domain names into research organizations allows for easy management of multiple studies and collaborations, ensuring clear ownership and access control over patient data.

Campaign Tracking.

By creating distinct campaigns within the software, researchers can attribute patient leads to specific recruitment channels or initiatives, providing valuable insights into campaign effectiveness.

Improved Efficiency and Data Analysis.

Centralizing patient data and campaign information within a single platform streamlines the recruitment process, eliminating the need for manual tracking and reducing administrative burden.

Increased Collaboration and Compliance.

The software enables secure collaboration between research organizations, allowing authorized users to access and analyze patient data while maintaining confidentiality and compliance with regulatory requirements. Plus, a comprehensive audit trail tracks all interactions and modifications to patient data, ensuring transparency and accountability throughout the recruitment process.


A Partner Relationship Management (PRM) system centralizes communication and resources, optimizes partner performance insights, and streamlines sales enablement, ultimately strengthening collaboration and maximizing revenue potential for businesses leveraging indirect sales channels.
Credits to the brains behind the project development
Daniela C.
Webflow developer
Nayeli V.
Webflow developer
Sebastián Y.
Webflow developer
Diego G.
Webflow developer
Talents behind this presentation
Diana M.
Podcast Host
Diego G.
Podcast Invitee
Santiago G.
Carlos & Diego
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